The Bad News Game confers resistance against disinformation by putting players in the position of the people who create it, and as such gain insight into the various tactics and methods used by ‘real fake news-mongers to spread their message. This, in turn, builds up resistance. The game works in a simple and straightforward way: players are shown a short text or image (such as a meme or article headline) and can react to them in a variety of ways. There are two ways in which their score is measured: ‘followers and ‘credibility. Choosing an option that is in line with what a ‘real producer of disinformation would choose gets them more followers and credibility. If, however, they lie too blatantly to their followers, choose an option that is overtly ridiculous or act too much in line with journalistic best practices, the game either takes followers away or lowers their credibility. The aim of the game is to gather as many followers as possible without losing too much credibility.