The Educator’s Fake News Toolkit was created in September 2019 by Kate Holvoet, with metadata architecture assistance by Michael Howser, Sand Diego State University (SDSU) Social Sciences and Data Librarian.

Kate has a Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (MLIS) from the University of Iowa (1998). Her background is in US and International Government Documents, and she is the Electronic Resources Librarian for SDSU, as well as the campus point person for Open Educational Resources (OER).

This project was inspired by conversations with an SDSU Rhetoric and Writing Studies professor, who wanted access to materials on misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and propaganda that would be useful to him in his role as an instructor. Kate saw an opportunity to apply her librarian skills in organizing information and her electronic resources skills in choosing an interface that would provide maximal utility.

The Educator’s Fake News Toolkit is run on WordPress, using the Tainacan theme and plugin.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.